Electronic Music has a special attraction for many.
When I first realized what a synthesizer was, I immediately
wanted one. By the time "Close encounters of the Third kind" was released to the public ,I had already spent hours at the local music store asking questions and buying as much synth music as I could find (or afford).
In between my UFO encounters I seem to find special enjoyment in such music! The movie featured a customized synth as a tool for "calling" or communicating with Aliens! And that was with compliance of the military and civilians...the ancients also believed that sound was a key to communicating, from primitive instruments to high tech electronics, the constant factor has been Human awareness.
Rex Grindstaff is on the right.
Short bio
M. Grindstaff was born in 1954 in Missouri, USA. His heritage is a mix of Austrian/German and Native American.
He has drawn and painted since a very young age and studied music as well. He had Alien contact beginning at around age three and was introduced to the experience by his father, Rex. Sources in the US Army indicated to us that Rex had Intel training during WW2.
At the age of 14 in 1968, while living in a remote farming area he began to have very strong ESP experiences and was encouraged by a technically oriented neighbor with Military connections to explore ESP as well as altered states of consciousness.He also experimented with electronic circuits and has contributed to certain zero point energy projects.
He attended private schools for most of his youth and entered the US Army in 1972 after being recruited by an undisclosed Intelligence agency. Prior to his military induction he was used by someone with CIA connections to explore the effects of certain mind altering drugs and ESP. He had a three day period of missing time after a well documented Alien contact during which he was "taken" to a place not on this planet. His IQ has tested out at near 185 and he has demonstrated this on several occasions.
These contacts continue until the present time, although they are rare. He has been working towards "UFO disclosure" and sharing his creativity with the public.
While in the CDEC program at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation, Grindstaff was involved covertly with SRI and has acted as a private consultant on occasion for various outlets since leaving active duty in about 1973. Exactly what happened at Liggett is still under investigation.It is believed to include non-lethal warfare, mind control, hallucinogenic drugs and ESP related projects . Strategic warfare weaponry such as the Hellfire and the Apache helicopters were developed at Liggett also. Unproven theories/claims of the testing of bio-chem warfare and genetic manipulation more than likely are still being investigated.
Since leaving active duty, Grindstaff has had health problems ranging from a bone tumor to pulmonary problems and some memory loss. He had several objections to the violent nature of the Army testing facility and while he has made it very clear he supports the freedom America represents he also advocates a New age of world wide freedom. He has been questioned by a Federal grand Jury and the Veteran's Administration and by US Senators and Congressmen. He was invited to go before the Church - Kennedy Senate Judicial committee in 1975 to testify regarding the covert operations based at Hunter Liggett.
He seeks to find unity and harmony and freedom from fear and hunger for the masses and suuports efforts worldwide in whatever way he can. He is married and has 3 grown children.
Alien mbc was formed in 1998 as a project in communication and creativity.
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